Saturday, October 27, 2012

Candy present

Ovaj vikend sam se mislila kako cu jednostavno zapakirati poklone za rodjendan, ali da opet bude efektno.
 U pitanju je bila odjeca i modni dodatci, tako da se bas nije moglo lijepo zapakirati u oblik kocke i gore stavit neki ukras...
I onda sam se sjetila ovog BOMBONA POKLONA :) 
Odjecu sam stavila normalno na ukrasni papir, zarolala i samo na oba kraja stegnula ukrasnom vrpcom i eto ga! Vrlo jednostavno, treba vam svega 1-2 min!

Kako su ovo pokloni za djecu, sigurna sam da ce se veseliti! Ali mislim da bi se ovakvo pakiranje svidjelo i mnogo starijima :) 

This weekend I was thinking how could I simply pack a birthday present, but still make it noticed.
Present was clothes and some fashion accesories, so I couldn´t pack into a box-shape and just put a decoration on the top...
And then I remembered this CANDY PRESENT :)
I have put the present on a decoration paper, rolled it and then I tightened the ends with decorative ribbon and here it is! Its very simple, you need only 1-2 min!

These are presents for kids, so I am sure that they will like it! But I also think that anyone (no matter what age) would like this :)

Kako vam se svidja ideja? Imate li vi neke savjete za ukrasavanje poklona?
How do you like this idea? Do you have any advice on how to decorate a present?

With love, M.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

*Victoria´s secret runway costumes* BEST OF!

Victoria´s secret fashion show 2012. je u 12 mjesecu! Jedva cekam :)
Kako se kraj godine blizi odlucila sam nas sve malo podsjetiti na te prekrasne kostime i kreacije.
Stvarno je bilo tesko odluciti se za najbolje kreacije jer sve oduzimaju dah...
Pocet cemo sa 2000. godinom... Nevjerovatno je kako svake godine napreduju na zavidnoj razini..
Pogledajte kako su se revije Victoria´s secret kreativno razvijale tijekom svih ovih godina :)
Victoria´s secret fashion show 2012. is in December! I can´t wait :)
As the end of the year is coming I have decided to remember us all how wonderfull those costumes and creations are. It was really hard to decide which ones are the best because they are all breathtaking...
We will start with year 2000.... It is unbelievable how they get better and better every year..
Take a look at a creative evolution of Victoria´s secret :)

Ana Claudia Michels 

Heidi Klum

Naomi Campbell

Adriana Lima as Sexy Super Heroine

Gisele Bundchen as Sexy Santa Helper

Caroline Winberg as Sexy Russian Babe

Fernanda Tavares in Sexy Shadow Dreams

Gisele Bundchen is Sexy Crystal Princess

Doutzen Kroes is Sexy Delicious

 Izabel Goulart in Highland Romance
 Karolina Kurkova as Glacial Godess in Winter Wonderland
 Katja Shceckina as Femme Fatale
Adriana Lima as Glacial Godess in Winter Wonderland

 Alessandra Ambrosio in Rome Antique

 Heidi Klum in Deck the Hall

Izabel Goulart in Deck the Halls

 Julia Stegner in Blade Runner

 Karolina Kurkova in Blade Runner

 Karolina Kurkova in Deck the Halls

Karolina Kurkova in Rome Antique

 Alessandra Ambrosio is Glamour Goddess

 Candice Swanepoel is Glamour Goddess

Izabel Goulart is Glamour Goddess

 Emanuela de Paula is in Ballet De Fleurs

Carmen Kass is in Black Tie Holiday

 Maryna Linchuk in Romantic Journey

 Alessandra Ambrosio in Star Trooper

 Izabel Goulart in Enchanted Forest

Miranda Kerr in Romantic Journey

 Erin Heatherton is Wild Thing

 Anja Rubik has Heavenly Body

 Erin Heatherton - Game On

Alessandra Ambrosio is Wild Thing

Magdalena Frackowiak - Tough Love

 Alessandra Ambrosio - Passion

 Miranda Kerr is an Aquatic Angel

 Constance Jablonski is an Aquatic Angel

 Maryna Linchuk is an Aquatic Angel

Doutzen Kroes - Passion

 Adriana Lima - I Put A Spell On You

Izabel Goulart - I Put A Spell On You

Jeste li i vi veliki fan Victoria´s secret-a? Koji je vas najdrazi andjeo?
Are you also a big fan of Victoria´s secret? What is your favourite angel?

With love, 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wedding make-up

Ovdje sam dosla s probe make-upa za vjencanje... Nisam u potpunosti nasminkana, samo sam isla isprobavat hoce li mi vizazistica dobro napraviti podlogu, osjencit oci itd. Nisam nikad (osim ovaj put zbog vjencanja) posjecivala make-up artiste i sve sto cete ubuduce viditi-sama sam se naucila gledajuci make-up tutorials...Iako sam potpuno vjerovala Katarini koja me je sminkala, ipak sam otisla na probu da ne bi bilo  ´Jao meni´ na dan vjencanja ;)
This is my unfinished make-up for my wedding! This was my first time to visit make-up artist. Katarina (make-up artist) really knows her job and I trust her. However in the end I decided to go to her few days before the wedding just to be sure how it all will look in the end.

Kosu sam maknula s lica, da se sto bolje vidi kako je sve ispalo. 
Slikano je na danjem svjetlu...
Hair is removed from my face so you can see better my test make-up. 
This picture was photographed in daylight...

Bila sam jako zadovoljna sa svime, iako mi je boja podloge bila malo tamnija nego sto treba (mozda se na ovoj slici ne vidi), ali to smo sredile na dan D.   :)
Vecinom je koristila MAC-ove proizvode, koje tocno? Vise ni sama ne znam :/
I was very satisfied with test make-up, even though my foundation was a little bit darker then it should (you may not see that in this picture-above).
Mostly she used MAC products, which ones? I cant remember anymore :/


Vjencanje je bilo u 8om mjesecu ove godine, tako da jos uvijek cekam profi slike! Neke cu odabrati da stavim na blog :)

Kao sto vidite, sminka nije prenapadna, vecinom se vrijeme potrosilo na podlogu, jer je bilo najbitnije da lice izgleda svjeze i rumeno (s mjerom naravno),a  ne kao maska :)
Na usnama je ruz hmmm, pa meni je to nesto izmedju crvenih i rozih pigmenata?!
Sta vi mislite?
Na ocima sam imala sjenila zemljanih boja i crni tus (htjela sam da mi se samo istakne pogled, a te boje jako dobro idu uz zelene oci)..

Kad dobijem nove slike sigurno ce se naci nekih koje su jos vise izbliza, tako da cete moci vidjeti bolje...

Moram reci da sam prezadovoljna kako je sve ispalo! :) Vizazisticu Katarinu znam jos od prije, tako da sam bila potpuno opustena, jer sam znala da odlicno sminka i da se mozemo oko svega dogovoriti i da nece biti nikakvih problema  i nesporazuma u zadnji tren.

Wedding was in August this year, so Im still waiting professional photos to be done! Some of them I will choose for blog :)
As you can see, make-up isnt tacky at all.. The most important was that my face looked really fresh and rosy and not like a mask. On my lips I have lipstick hmmm the color is something between red and pink?!
What do you think?
On my eyes I had eyeshadow in earth tones, and a black eyeliner (all I wanted is to put an accent on my eyes, and those colours go great with green eyes)...
However I have to say that Im very satisfied with how everything turned out! :) I know Katarina from before, so because of that I was completely relaxed, because I knew that she is very good at what she does, that we can agree about everything and I also knew there wont be any problems or misunderstandings.

Kako vam se svidja moj vjencani make-up? Bi li se vi odlucili za neke druge boje?
How do you like my wedding make-up? Would you decide for some other colors?

With love, 

1st post - GARNIER skin naturals 3in1 - REVIEW

Sta pisati za prvi post? Odakle krenuti?  Od pocetka... :)
What should I write for my first post? Where to begin? First thing first :)

Moja koza lica je mjesovita, dakle t-zona se masti, dok su obrazi suhi. Peeling koji mi je zasad najbolji je:
My skin type is mixed, so my t-zone gets oily during the day, but my cheeks are dry. Right now my favourite peeling is:

Garnier skin naturals 3in1

Koristim ga 3x tjedno kao peeling, 2x dnevno za ciscenje lica i jednom u 2 tjedna kao masku...
Ako i vi imate mjesovitu kozu lica, svakako vam ga preporucujem, nije pregrub ali opet dobro cisti.
Za cisenje lica samo ga lagano nanesem na vlaznu kozu i isperem, za peeling postupak je skoro isti, samo sto s njim masirate kruznim pokretima cijelo lice, a posebnu paznju treba obratiti na t-zonu - nju malo vise trljajte. :)
Ako ga zelite koristiti kao masku, na cistu i suhu kozu bogato nanesite i pustite da djeluje cca. 3 min. Pri tome izostavite podrucje oko ociju.
Jednom tjedno stavljam masku, s tim da jedan tjedan koristim ovaj proizvod da mi matira lice i sprijeci pojavu pristica i mitesera (sadrzi u sebi salicilnu kiselinu, koja lijeci upale koze), a drugi tjedan koristim masku za dubinsku hidrataciju koze.
Poslije ovog proizvoda, osjecam da mi koza dise, cista je, matirana i sto je najbitnije nije isusena ni zategnuta, crvenila nema, osim ako malo vise trljate, ali to prodje za 10tak min.
I use it 3x per week as a peeling, twice a day for cleaning and once in 2 weeks as facial mask...
If you also have mixed skin type, I really recommend this product. It is not to rough but it cleans very well.
For cleaning my face I just apply it gently on wet skin and then I wash it off. For peeling proces is almost the same, except you massage it into your skin with circular motions. Pay special attention to your t-zone - ayou can scrub it a little bit more :)
If you want to use it as a facial mask, apply it on clean and dry skin, and leave about 3 min. But avoid the eye area!
Once a week I put this Garnier facial mask, it makes my face matte and it prevents pimples and blackheads(it contains salicylic acid which treats the skin inflammation), and antoher week I use facial mask that hydrates my skin.
After this product I can fell that my skin can breathe, it is clean, matte and what its most important its not dried out or painfully tight, there is no redness, except if you scrub it a little bit more, but in that case redness goes away in 10 min. 

Ocjena 5/5
Review 5/5

Koji je vas tip koze? Koji peeling vi koristite? Ako ima neki koji vam je super i vrijedi ga isprobati napisite u komentaru ;)
What is your skin type? Name your peeling products? If there is some pp that is great and worth a try just leave me a comment! ;)

With love, 